Whoa! (6/04/12)


Herdthinner: Hy dun know… yet. Sept 18, 2024 17:29:27 GMT
Sturzkampf: Oh ja. Hy got dot but hy paid. Must get round to playink eet vun dayi. Iz eet any goot? Sept 13, 2024 18:40:18 GMT
Herdthinner: Hoy! Hy got dot ting dot iz de compooter game! Hy din remember giffing dem money for it, either. Mebbe iz a Jager Benefit! Sept 10, 2024 3:01:17 GMT
Mavromichali: Salutationz undt bog sandviches for effryvun! Aug 14, 2024 11:06:04 GMT
m1a1x1i1m1s1h1a1t: Weird. Apr 29, 2024 17:26:23 GMT
andyab1000: Imgur image posting does not appear to be working beyond one day. Apr 29, 2024 9:58:12 GMT
Sturzkampf: Hy gots no idea vot half de schtuff on Tumblr iz on about. Apr 4, 2024 17:43:10 GMT
Sturzkampf: Latest GG Kickstarter is live. Apr 4, 2024 11:17:39 GMT
Vun-Ov-Many: Tumblr iz havink qvite de fun time right now. Iz all a leetle chaos efferyvhere. Apr 1, 2024 15:34:10 GMT
m1a1x1i1m1s1h1a1t: You could do latest pages: other; or Spark Talk (General Talk) or maybe even under Links and Archives. Mar 8, 2024 14:17:08 GMT
Herdthinner: Right here? 🤷‍♀️ Mar 7, 2024 19:07:18 GMT
Vun-Ov-Many: Hoy, iz dere somevhere to put suggestions? Iz chust dat hy tink de vay hy found to make de page-posts dat hyperlink to de vebsite iz a leetle easier den described in de 'how to make a thread for de pages' thread. Dun gots to upload de page to imgur. Mar 4, 2024 15:09:35 GMT
Vun-Ov-Many: Ho, hy din notice dere is instrushuns provided for makink de page thread. Vell, still vorked, chust different! Feb 28, 2024 16:54:17 GMT
Herdthinner: De Colonials hate pooling resources to help odders. Ve iz supposed to do effryting ourselfs, hoy! Iz hokey for de mighty Jägers, not so much for de pipples dot gots no Jägerdraught. Feb 12, 2024 19:26:42 GMT
Sturzkampf: Hyu need de NHS. Mebbe iz time to invest in de original art dey keep pushink. Funny how de pages where de Mistress ent vearink many clothes iz more expenseev. Feb 10, 2024 8:35:05 GMT
thorinschmidt: Gifen how moch da 'Murrican in-sewer-ants costs, und how moch dey ecktully PAYS vor, we iz probably gonna heff to do dat ennyvay. Dat's *the-sound-of-small-dwarves-hammering* vor hyu. Feb 10, 2024 1:50:41 GMT
Sturzkampf: Hope sche haz de in-sewer-ants odervise ve’s gonna hef to gif to de GoFundMe. Feb 9, 2024 22:51:19 GMT
Herdthinner: She iz still dealing vit bad organs. My time in de repair shop vas doubled tenks to more exploding bowels. Hy vish hy could go dere und commiserate vit her! Feb 9, 2024 18:35:10 GMT
thorinschmidt: Yez, hyu vould tink dat beink retired vould mean I heff LOTZ UV TIME for myself. BOT IT DOES NOT VURK DAT VAY!!! RAAAAAAGH! Hokay, hy em better now, ht tink. Feb 9, 2024 9:21:17 GMT
Sturzkampf: Hoy Thorin! Long time, no vrite! Feb 8, 2024 5:47:27 GMT
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